The 34000-Hour Opportunity

Emma Vallin, Organisational Consultant

We spend a staggering amount of time on social media platforms—143 minutes per day, on average, according to 2024 research from GWI. That’s over 36 days per year spent on social media. Some of the time is of course well spent (we are connecting on LinkedIn around this topic after all). But imagine the potential if we reclaimed even a fraction of these hours.

A study from Lund University found that reducing social media use to 30 minutes a day significantly improves mood, focus, and reduces stress. In addition it could free up 687 hours each year—over 34,000 hours over the next 50 years. That’s more than 2 years of our lives we could dedicate to things that truly matter: meaningful work, deep friendships, picking up that guitar or writing that book.

By shifting our mindset and being intentional about how we spend our time, we can achieve more balanced, fulfilling lives without sacrificing performance.

Sustainable high-performance isn’t just about optimizing for wellness or productivity. It’s about adapting your effort and ambition levels intentionally toward your long-term goals. This means focusing on what’s important to you, rather than being driven by socially fueled overachievement.

❓ What would you do with 34,000 hours of reclaimed time

Är mobilfritt den nya utlandsresan? 

Det har blivit en statusgrej att lämna mobilen hemma under semestern. Det låter ju vettigt med tanke på att mobilen stör oss i snitt 150 gånger per dag. Det blir inte så mycket semester kvar då tänker jag. 

Det roliga och smått tragiska är att mobil-detoxen ofta föregås av en Instagramstorm av uppdatering kring just denna paus från mobilen. Helst ska man också visa upp sin nyinköpta 90-tals dumtelefon som endast går att ringa med.

Tänk, i framtiden kanske vi kan lägga undan mobilen utan att först jaga likes på just de sociala medier vi vill undvika.

Trendigt eller ej, lägg undan telefonen på semestern! För som Benjamin Franklin sa: Lost time is never found again